GIVE US A CALL: +961-4-532927



SOLARNET has been established in Beirut, LEBANON in June 2002. SOLARNET has the adequate expertise to study, manage, supervise, supply and install “Electromechanical, Energy & Environmental System” for building or industrial applications. With the collaboration of our highly qualified Engineers and Technicians SOLARNET aim to achieve any job requiring high management and technical qualifications, quality and precision.

SOLARNET is specialized in the following fields:

  1.   – Renewable Energy (solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind, biomass,…)
  2.   – Mechanical (HVAC, plumbing, fire fighting, gas, …)


SOLARNET activities extend to:

  1.  – Residential building
  2.   – Commercial building (Hotels, hospitals, leisure center, …)
  3.   – Factories


SOLARNET is member of the Lebanese Solar Energy Society (LSES) and a gold member of the World Energy Council (WEC) Lebanese chapter.

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