Written by admin on March 6, 2017 in News

In collaboration with the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) office affiliated to the Ministry of Water and Energy in Lebanon, Solarnet provides you with the ideal loan to start benefiting now from renewable energy projects.

The National Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action (NEEREA), a national financing mechanism initiated by the Central Bank of Lebanon in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Water, the Ministry of Finance, UNDP, the European Union (EU), and the LCEC.

NEEREA loan advantages:

  1. • Between 0.6 and 2% interest rate
  2. • Up to 100,000 USD for renewable energy projects 
  3. • Loan period up to 14 years depending the project amount
  4. • 100 % financing renewable energy system materials as well as installation fees
  5. • NEEREA file preparation is free of charge by Solarnet
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