فيما خص بطاريات أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية وال UPS.. يتم استغلال عدم معرفة الناس من قبل بعض التجار أو الشركات بموضوع عمر البطاريات وقوتها، لذا وجب التنبيه: إن عمر البطارية يتحدد بناء على عدد الدورات “Cycles” عند عمق تفريغ معين، وهذا يختلف بين بطارية وأخرى وعادة نجد هذه المعلومة داخل Datasheet كل بطارية كما واضح بالصورة. […]
The Lebanese Army – الجيش اللبناني went green this winter! With the European Union in Lebanon‘s support we were able to install biomass briquette stoves at the #Lebanese army’s North-Eastern border station, ensuring a sustainable solution to heat generation. The #LAF team was also trained on how to operate & maintain the stoves. في إطار […]
In collaboration with the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) office affiliated to the Ministry of Water and Energy in Lebanon, Solarnet provides you with the ideal loan to start benefiting now from renewable energy projects. The National Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action (NEEREA), a national financing mechanism initiated by the Central Bank of Lebanon in collaboration [...]
Further to the Lebanese government decision No. 59-10, March 2010, you can now profit from Solar Heater Loan with 0% interet rate up to 5 years loan period. Loan advantages: * No down payment required, * $200* subsidy will be offered by the Ministry of Energy and Water if the solar heater is approved by the Lebanese Center [...]