Further to the Lebanese government decision No. 59-10, March 2010, you can now profit from Solar Heater Loan with 0% interet rate up to 5 years loan period.
Loan advantages:
- * No down payment required,
- * $200* subsidy will be offered by the Ministry of Energy and Water if the solar heater is approved by the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (L.C.E.C.).
Applicant’s eligibility criteria:
- * Nationality: Lebanese,
- * Age: 21 – 64 (at loan submission),
- * Occupation: the applicant should be:
- an employee with a steady job and income for more than 18 months,
- a self-employed with a minimum 3-year work experience in the same field.
- * Minimum required monthly income:
- LBP 1,200,000 or the counter value for employees,
- LBP 2,500,000 or the counter value for self-employed.
- * Monthly payments: maximum 33% of the monthly income for employees and self-employed.